• Join

    Your annual membership in the Chevy Chase Historical Society provides vital support for our ongoing work.  Our membership year runs January 1 through December 31.  Membership in the Chevy Chase Historical Society is open to everyone, ranges from $40 to $250, covers your entire household, and the membership fee is tax deductible.

    Choose the level of support that best suits you and your family:

    • Friends $40
    • Patrons $125 (bonus benefits: invitations to special events and recognition in Society publications)
    • Benefactors $250 (bonus benefits: invitations to special events and Benefactors-Only events and recognition in Society publications)

    As a member you will enjoy:

    • Participation in a lively organization dedicated to honoring the past and helping others appreciate it
    • Early invitations to our signature Spring Gala
    • Reduced prices for events and services
    • An informative newsletter
    • New friends who are passionate about history and their unique neighborhood


    Join Online Now!
    Our secure membership registration page allows you to join the CCHS online using your credit card.

    Or Join by Mail.
    If you prefer to join by mail, you can print the membership registration form, and mail a copy with your check or money order made payable to:

    Chevy Chase Historical Society
    8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1010
    Chevy Chase, MD 20815

    Purchasing Options






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